
Menampilkan postingan dari 2017

Example of manuscript & Application of Theory PEOL in Palliative care

APLIKASI TEORI PEACEFUL END OF LIFE   DALAM KONTEKS PERAWATAN PALIATIF STUDI LITERATUR Minanton Ns. Minanton S.Kep.: Mahasiswa Magister Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta email :   Abstract Advances in health technology assist patients with life-threatening illness to survive longer, but longer life does not mean to live better. The terminal patient will experience a variety of physical problems as well as psychosocial symptoms. Palliative care is a suitable treatment with life-threatening disease conditions. One of the nursing theories that can be used is the theory of peaceful end of life developed by Ruland and Moore. The purpose of this theory is not only to provide good care using modern tools, but to focus more on care that prioritises patient comfort and maximises family involvement in patient care. So at the end of life, patients can enhance the quality of life and face death with a sense of peace (khusnu

Tugas Individu Tentang Filsafat Ilmu dari Prof. Soewito

TAKE HOME ASSIGNMENT UMY FILSAFAT ILMU & ETIKA PROFESI KEPERAWATAN DISUSUN OLEH MINANTON 20171050009 PROGRAM PASCA S ARJANA (S2) PROGRAM STUDI MAGISTER KEPERAWATAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH YOGYAKARTA 2017   SOAL TAKE HOME ASSIGNMENT (M.PER) UMY 1.     Ungkapan “ medicine is a science and art ” dalam pelayanan medis baik oleh ners (perawat) maupun dokter berlaku universal.   Jelaskan yang anda ketahui tentang ungkapan tersebut dan substansi apa yang vital dalam pelaksanaannya. Beri contoh. 2.     Dua faktor vital sewaktu proses penyembuhan penyakit yang dirawat di rumah sakit yaitu program terapi (Placeholder1) (webster-Merriam, 2017) (dokter) dan perawatan (ners, paramedis). Secanggih dan sebaik apapun program terapi tanpa proses perawatan yang tepat dan baik hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Beri contoh. 3.     Boleh pilih salah satu : a) atau b). a.        Su