Guide of Research Proposal Outline (Panduan Outline Proposal Penelitian)

Please follow this outline to submit a proposal to Master of Nursing Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Please limit the proposal to eight pages of text. An abstract (including design, aims, and methods in 200 words) should be on a separate page and is not counted as part of the text.
1.      Purpose/Specific Aims
a.    Clarity
b.   Consistency among purpose, aims and hypotheses, or questions
2.      Significance of Research
a.    Potential for leading to further research or development of methodology or theory
b.   Potential contribution to nursing knowledge/knowledge in other field
3.      Literature Review
a.    Attention to relevant and current literature
b.   Supports relationships among variables
c.    APA format preferred, other formats accepted, consistency a must
4.      Design and Methods
a.    Selects design appropriate to purpose
b.   Selects appropriate setting
c.    Chooses adequate sample and sampling procedures
d.   Describes method of data collection
e.    Acknowledges study limitations
5.      Data Analysis
a.    Adequately described
b.   Appropriate to specific aims and hypotheses or research questions
6.      Writing Style
a.    Organization and Clarity
b.   Length (Eight-page limit, not including abstract, references, or appendices)

Outline of a Study #1

Registrar Number
Relationship between Level of Experience and Degree of Clinical Utility of Third Heart Sound Auscultation.

Research question
Do auscultatory assessments of third heart sound by more experienced physicians result in higher sensitivity and specificity for detecting left ventricular dysfunction than assessments by less experienced physicians?

1.      Auscultation of third heart sounds is a standard physical examination indicator of heart failure that all medical students have learned for 100 years.
2.      The degree to which this clinical assessment, which many physicians find difficult, actually detects abnormal left ventricular function has not been studied.
3.      There are no studies of whether auscultatory measurements of third heart sounds by cardiology fellows and attendings are more accurate than those of residents and medical students.
Study design
Cross-sectional analytic study

  • Entry criteria
  • Sampling design
Adults referred for left heart catheterization
Consecutive sample of consenting patients
  • Predictor
Level of experience of physicians
  • Outcome
  1. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for third heart sound score (AUC) in relation to higher LV diastolic pressure by catheterization
  2. AUC in relation to lower ejection fraction by cardiac echo
  3. AUC in relation to B natriuretic protein
Statistical issues
Hypothesis: More experienced physicians will have more favorable AUCs

Outline of a Study #2

Registrar Number
Effects of Hormone Treatment after Menopause on Liprotein (a) (Lp(a))
Research question
What are the effects of treatment with estrogen plus progestin (compared with placebo) on Lp(a) levels in postmenopausal women?
1.      Epidemiologic studies suggest that hormone treatment after menopause may help prevent coronary heart disease, the largest cause of death in women
2.      Lp(a) is an understudied lipoprotein that has been found to be an independent risk factor for coronary disease in several studies.
3.      Among conventional lipid-lowering drugs, only nicotinic acid in high doses lowers Lp(a) levels; however, previous studies have suggested that hormone treatment may have this effect.
4.      There is a need to confirm this finding for the estrogen plus progestin treatment that is now commonly used after menopause, and to extend it to women with existing coronary disease.
Randomized blinded trial with one year follow-up.
  Entry criteria


Postmenopausal women with documented coronary disease (evidence for prior myocardial infarction or coronary artery surgery, or 50% obstruction on angiography).
Consecutive sample of all women who qualify in 20 clinical centers, recruited in cardiology clinics and by mailings and advertisements.


Randomization to a daily tablet containing conjugated equine estrogen (0.65 mg) and medroxy-preogesterone acetate (2.5 mg), or to a placebo identical in appearance.
Change in serum level of Lp(a) between baseline and 1 year after randomization, measured immunochemically with a sandwich ELISA assay that uses a monoclonal antibody to apo(a) as the capture antibody (Strategic Diagnostics, Newark, DE).
Statistical issues

  Sample size and power

There will be a greater decrease in Lp(a) levels in the hormone-treated group than in the placebo group.
The number of women in the existing HERS trial available for this ancillary study was 2,763. This allows detection of a reduction in Lp(a) of 2 mg/dL with a power of 90%, using a t-test and two-tailed alpha of 0.05.

FINER Criteria for a Good Research


Adequate number of subjects
Adequate technical expertise
Affordable in time and money
Manageable in scope


To the investigator


Confirms or refutes previous findings
Extends previous findings
Provides new findings


Respect for person


To scientific knowledge
To clinical and health policy
To future research directions


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